European Honeymoon!

European Honeymoon!
St. George May 2012, Hawaii after that???

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 48

Cambridge England 1:50pm 8-7-10

Troy and I are in Cambridge! We've had a fun couple of days. After getting off the underground the other night, we went upstairs at St. Pancras to sleep. We were woken up at 3am and told wee had to go downstairs, so we packed up and found another place to sleep. We found out the train to Cambridge was at 5:45am so we bought our tickets and got on. We got into Cambridge and luckily we had looked up the directions to the campsite before because the info booth at the station was closed. We started walking out of town towards the campsite. We stoppeda t a shop for breakfast and asked how far the campsite was. She gave us good directions and we finally got there. We were able to set up our tent and go back to check in when reception opened. So we found a nice shady corner, even though the sun is not too intense and we set up. I fell asleep right away and Troy checked us in. We rested until noon and then walked back into Cambridge. We looked at downing College and messaged my friend Lindsey to see if we could meet up. Troy and I crossed the streetand had Mexican food for lunch. Then we walked around the city. We were walking through themarket place wghen we ran into my old professor Raymond and his family. We talked for a few minutes and he told us we should come play volleyball in the evening. We agreed to meet back at dDowning later and continued walking looking at the colleges. We wondered around and found a few camping shops. Troy got a new pair of shoes, then we headed over to Downing. They were just finishing up dinner and we were able to go meet Lindsey at her dorm. We met some of her friends and then we all went out and played volleyball for hours and hours. Troy and I finaly had to walk back to our campsite, stopping for chinese food on the way.

The next morning we woke up and got some Laundry done early because we had made plans to meet up with Lindsey at Pizza Hut for lunch. I went to get ready and there were paramedics outside the restroom. A lady had fallen down in the bathroom and they were attending her. I wasn't sure what to do at first but people were walking around going to the bathroom getting ready for their day so I did too, but I felt really bad. Then we tried to dry our clothes in the dryer but it didn't dry them completely so we were putting them on the line that we had attached to our tent and we ripped the tent! After finally sorting everything out we took the bus to Cambridge and got off right next to pizza hut. We met with Lindsey and had a filling buffet lunch and hot cookie dessert, yum! We talked with Lindsey for a while about travels and future plans, then we said out goodbyes. Troy and I walked towards the river to watch punting and to find a spot to relax. We crossed over a bridge and found a bench and a nice park. We read for a bit. I started "Lovely Bones". It started raining so Troy got out the umbrella and we cuddled underneath it for awhile. Finally we got cold so we moved on. We had planned to go to the Fitzwilliam museum and see Henry V at King's College later. So we walked to the museum and we saw a busker. He was a violin player and Troy had to talk to him. Fate had stepped in and several hours later Troy and Rupert were several beers in, we hadn't gone to the museum or Shakespeare and Troy and Rupert had devised a plan for Rupret and his girlfriend to move to California. We ended up having a great night. We talked music, books and writing among other things. Rupert lived in Norwich and told us that we had to come. He planned to come back to Cambridge the next day, Saturday, and he would meet us when he was done busking and take us to Norwich. We agreed.
We all stayed at the Eagle until 10:30 pm and they closed the patio. Rupert had to catch the train back to Norwich at 11pm and we had to get some sleep. We walked toward the main street and said goodbye. Troy and I waited and waited in the rain for our bus to come. It finally did and we got back to camp, our laundry was soaking wet.

We woke up the next day, but later than planned. We had to pack up, camp and get our clothes dry, but we stayed in the tent and read until we absolutely had to get going. Then we packed up and walked back into Cambridge. We found an interent cafe, got caught up on stuff, then we came to the Avalanche Cafe for lunch. Troy had a great veggie burger and I had a cheap cheeseburger and a milkshake. We read, wrote and relaxed in the warm cafe for a bit.

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