European Honeymoon!

European Honeymoon!
St. George May 2012, Hawaii after that???

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 2

Iceland 8:03 AM 6.22.10

We are at the Iceland airport. Our flight left Boston at 9:30 last night and got in at 6 AM Iceland time. With the five hour flight and the four hour time difference, we didn´t get much sleep, but we have about eight more hours until our flight to London and nothing to do but hang out in the airport since it´s cold outside and our warm clothes are in our checked bags that we don´t get until we get to London. WE noticed in the duty freee shops that everything is bigger here. They have giant Toblerone bars and their gummy candy bags are filled to the top. They also have American flavored Doritos! Right now we´re going to get some rest.

interject Troy: The other interesting thing about Iceland is the random advertising! We were immediately inundated with awkward message about Iceland. They create a rather bizarre picture of the country.

Ex: ´The most interesting thing about Iceland is not our lava fields...but the fact that our country´s most famous restaurant is a hot dog stand.´

We understand that they are trying to be cheeky, but maybe a little misguided.

Iceland Airport 2:25 PM 6.22.10

We are blogging right now, so enjoy!

Note: The computer keyboards are different here too. None of the symbols are where they say they are, so be thankful that we have managed to put in periods and commas!

Got to go catch our flight!!

1 comment:

gia said...

wow, you guys walk and eat a lot.

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