European Honeymoon!

European Honeymoon!
St. George May 2012, Hawaii after that???

Friday, October 1, 2010

Accused. . .

Recently I have been accused of being a liar, cheat and a thief, all by the same person. In this world there are so many possible interactions with people, that its hard to have a 100% satisfaction rating. We are so wrapped up in "What have you done for me lately?" that we forget to see what life is really all about. You can't help people any more, because the moment they feel that they are being ignored or not helped you are instantly turned into the "bad guy". When someone will lie to call you a liar, doesn't that defeat the purpose? When someone takes advantage of your good nature and hospitality, then calls you a thief, what's that say about that person?

A few years ago, had this happened I would have been upset to the point that i would have shut down. Now I'm just saddened by the events that have transpired and hope that the person initiating them is content with their accusations. I work hard to help people. I own up to my mistakes. Now I know that I've made another one by befriending a person who is only a friend when it is convenient. In reflection I see that you can't help everyone and some people have deferent motives from mine.

Should I stop helping people, or giving my best? Its an interesting philosophical question that I already know the answer to. Yes. Can I? No. I have been criticized for many things in my life. I have tried to respond accordingly to each obstacle and challenge. I was told once that I committed to too many things and that I was flaky. I assessed the comments and found them to be valid, so I did my best to change that behavior. I have been told I lie too much. I will make no excuses for myself, I can stretch a tale. I have tried to change this behavior whether it is hurtful or not. I like to think of myself as a caring, giving person. I make every attempt to help people in need. In this process I have continuously been screwed over by people, and worst if I ever need a favor, even rarely, no person I've helped is there to help me.

There are good people out there. My friend group is small for that reason, because trust is mutual. Challenge the social interaction, try to make a difference, but don't let people get to close.

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