Seeing as I'm the only one awake this morning, I figured I would get some blog time in. Natalie and I are staying in a London Suburb called Streatum Hill (StrA-tUm) with our new and good friend Holly Ryan. We arrived on Sunday August 22nd (Natalie's birthday) and have been here since then. We are staying through our departure on Thursday which is sadly fast approaching.
We met Holly in Norwich where she was staying with 'the gang' at 15 Colegate Street. She was so nice to offer us a place to crash for the last part of our trip and has been the most wonderful of hosts. For Natalie's birthday we went to a pub called Taylor's and for my birthday we went to a restaurant called, and I'm not kidding, 'TROY'. The food was so good. The waiter was so nice and very humble, I swear he bowed to us every time we said the food was good. I really don't want to go into too many details about what we are doing on our trip since it is not my job to relate the story, Natalie has taken that position and run with it, but I do want to give you some insights as to what we've been most impressed with.
The first thing I want to talk about is Scotland. If you know me at all, you know how much I love being Irish, Irish music, Irish people, et cetera et cetera. But I could not have known how much I would enjoy Scotland. The people were so nice, the climate was amazing and there was so much to see and do! If there is one thing I would like to take or own is a Highland Cow, or Coo as the locals call them.

The next thing I want to get off my chest is Barcelona. The city is so vibrant and full of life. There is nothing within the city that isn't diverse and multi-cultural. The people are so full of life, enjoying all past-times, with no pretensions to who you are, what you wear (or don't wear if you are on the beach) and have created a culture that is laid back and simple. The architecture in the city is absolutely amazing. They call it the city of Gaudi and that is an accurate interpretation.

Now, as it should be apparent to everyone who knows me, I absolutely adore Dublin. There are some things that could be changed, like the troubled Transportation system and the high prices, everyone is struggling(but Dublin charges twice as much as anywhere we went), but for me it was a lifetime accumulation of things I needed to see and do. When I toured the Guinness Brewery I was almost moved to tears and I did two things that I had always wanted to do, play in an Irish Session, in which I partook at O'Donoghue's Pub, where I was accepted enough to sing 'The Hot Aspalt' and received a rousing round of applause, and where I busked for the first time. So, Dublin has special place in my heart.
well, I finally figured out what "busking" was (street musician, right?). It must have been so great to discover your roots--and Scotland! hey, any highland goats? love you both, see you soon. Gia
Happy Belated, Troy!!...Thank you both for taking time to post such wonderful, fun, exciting news about your adventures. What a wonderful, wonderful, experience and a lifetime of memories...
The photos are so nice!
Dublin, yes, Scotland, yes, Barcelona yes, but highland cow?? What's up with that?
Hope you had a memorable birthday. Love you both.
AHHHHH! Troy... how amazing! A Coo!! I would love to have one as well!!! I'm stealing your picture for my unique collection of cows! The hair style is so unique.
Well, I haven't had the chance to congratulate you and your beautiful wife. I think is absolutely amazing you guys have gone through this adventure in Europe. I'm sure you are enjoying every single minute of it!
I will miss the Latin classes, but hope to maybe see you around campus!
P.S. Please do show more pictures of Gaudi's art! He is one of my favorites!
Happy Birthday Troy Boy!! I cannot believe you're coming back to the states - I've enjoyed very much living vicariously through you and Natalie. Safe travels - lots of love Aunt Sara
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