European Honeymoon!

European Honeymoon!
St. George May 2012, Hawaii after that???

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 56

Dundonald Camp Site 9:18pm 8-15-10

Today Troy and I got up and did some laundry. We lounged around the campsite for awhile waiting for our clothes to be done and talking to people. I read for a bit and Troy and I hung our laundry up on the line. We then walked to the Ice Bowl and got on-line. We looked at the ice skating rink and the bowling alley and we checked out the mini-golf too, but decided to check the movie times first. We walked across the road and bought tickets to see the last Airbender. It wasn't very good, but it was nice to sit and watch a movie. Then we had dinner at a place called Wolfe. The food was okay, they were trying to be really trendy. Finally we came back to camp and read and relaxed for a bit. We decided to stay in rather than min-gilf and Troy decided to tickle torture me on a full stomach! Then we got showered and got ready to pack up and head out in the morning. Dublin tomorrow.

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