European Honeymoon!

European Honeymoon!
St. George May 2012, Hawaii after that???

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hippie Dippie pondering

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This took two days of labor. Technology is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure there is more I'd like to say, but this will do for now.

1 comment:

Erica S said...

Great job Freddie! You made some good points. I think things do exist even though we are not around to hear or see them. I think humans sometimes have this egotistical ideology that the world revolves around us and that things only happen for us to discover them. I don't think this is fair. I think if we continue to have this thinking then we are denying every other living thing all capabilities of discovering new things. There are millions of "undiscovered" creatures living out there. But are they really "undiscovered" just because humans havent discovered them? I'm sure the creatures that have already been discovered know about the ones we dont know about yet. We just haven't gotten the word yet.

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